Rhys's Place

Monday, October 13, 2008

My Ziptales Story, The moster of the haunted house

It was a dark and stormy night and I, Detective Dan was chosen to investigate the murder of Willie the Wonderful Wizard. It was presumed that Ollie the Horrible Ogre that never had any time for Willie was the murderer. It was said to me that if you got on his bad side, you face certain death. I felt that I would become on his “bad side” because I was creeping through his house trying to investigate how he had murdered the Wizard just a couple of days ago. I hoped he wasn’t home. Ollie was very aggressive and bad tempered so I had permission from the police department to shoot him if I had to. I had taken the 243 gun and was ready for anything that was going to come around the corner. The gun was loaded, I was prepared. There was an owl hoot outside, I was getting scared.
I heard footsteps but they weren’t mine and I started to panic. My breathing got faster, I looked around the corner. I saw him; he looked even bigger and more viscous than in the photos. To make matters worse I saw that there was blood dripping from his mouth. Nothing could prepare me for what I saw next. What he had on the floor was a human arm. I was in shock. Next out rolled a head, I recognized it. It was Mrs. Yang , Chinese woman that lived just down the road from me. I decided I had to shoot him from where I was standing. I got the sights on him but when I flicked the safety off he heard and started running straight for me. I pulled the trigger but in my panic I missed. I ran as fast as my human legs could take me. As soon as I got a bit of a lead on him I would stand behind the corner of a building and take another shot. I got him in the leg. He started to limp but he didn’t slow down. I turned around and shot him in the head. He went down. I dropped the gun, I had killed the monster and thanks to me no more lives would be lost. I had special thanks from the president and got a mighty cheque of $500,000. I was a hero.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A to Z of cars

A= Aston Martin DBS


D=Dodge Viper

E= Electric car

F=Ford GT

G=Gallardo, Lamborghini

H=Honda Civic

I= I-cars

J= Jaguar




P= Polo, Volkswagen

R= Reveton, Lamborghini

S=Skyline, Nissan

T=Territory, Ford

U= Ute, Falcon

V= V8 Supercar

X= XR8, Ford

Z= Zonda, Pagani

Monday, June 09, 2008

Lucy The Sheeps Dissection

On Friday the 6th of June Pat came down to the school with a lamb (Lucy) that he had killed because it had eczema. He first skinned it and cut it open around the shoulder blade. Then he showed us a ball and socket joint and told us how it worked. Then he told us that if you put out a hip it is a serious injury because it breaks the ligament in the ball and socket. Then he cut it down the middle to show us the “GUTS” first he showed us where everything is set out and explained that we are very similar to a sheep on the inside. Then some of us got some gloves on and held a piece of lung. Then he got out the liver and we passed that round. The liver really stunk! After that he showed us that the lungs have air in them and they float and the liver doesn’t. Even try it! Some time after we had been looking at the liver he showed us where the heart lived. He opened up the heart and showed us the arteries and all of the chambers that the heart has. Then came the smelly bit. He opened up the stomach and Lucy had just had a feed! There was heaps off munted grass that the stomach had been processing. After we had done that we had an experiment at finding how long the small intestine was. It measured it as 14 steps running. Then he opened the head/cranium. He cut the jaw open so we could see that Lucy had not been brushing her teeth! Then he showed us the Lens in the eyeball. He opened it up and it squirted liquid at him. When he opened it up more you could see this really cool greeny, bluey colour. It looked really effective when it was shining in the sunlight. After we had finished we put Lucy to rest in the peaceful (smelly) offal hole!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

When My Hockey Stick Broke

When I first decided to play hockey Granddad and Nana bought me a hockey stick at the warehouse. After four games of hard hitting my hockey stick cracked around the toe and there was another crack coming under the toe and around the base. Also the turf was really wearing away the bottom of my stick. My advice is DON’T BUY WAREHOUSE HOCKEY STICKS! That’s about all I can say about them because there is no other way to put it but, they are crap and I would not buy another one. Grandad has since bought me a new 250 dollar GRAYS hockey stick that is 60%carbon fibre, 5% Aramid and 35% fibreglass. It is a really good stick to play with.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

When I Made The Taranaki Under13 Hockey Team

On Saturday we played in the Pennington cup, which was north versus central. There was a girl’s team, a mixed team and a boy’s team. We had to get selected. First of all I missed out on the boy’s team and was in the mixed team. When I scored three goals out of five in the mixed team I was asked if I wanted to join the boy’s team. Of course I said yes and went on the reserves bench. When they put me on I played the best hockey I have ever played. I stole heaps of balls and made some great passes. We ended up winning 3-2 with one penalty goal to us. I was really happy and when I went back to grandmas to stay the night Dad rung me to tell me that I had been selected in the Taranaki hockey team. I shouted out to granddad Yeah I’m in the team, I’m in the Taranaki hockey team! I was over the moon because I had only played 4 games and had practices in between. We have to go to Napier to play a tournament there and it will be fun.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

When Sport Got Stuck Under The Old House

On the day of Caterina’s birthday party Shane came around because Justin went to the party. I had just finished the plans for my new pedal boat. When Shane and I went with mum up to the woolshed to get some boards and drums for it we took Sport our little fox terrier as well. There is and old abandoned house and he just happened to go under it. After we had finished getting all the materials we noticed that Sport had gone under the old house looking for rats! We called him for about ten minutes and he wouldn’t come. When Shane and I had nearly finished the raft and it was quite dark Sport turned up. He had realized that we weren’t there and ran 3km down the road and back home! He was dirty, smelt like poo and was sweaty. A true DIRTY DOG.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

A Bit Of A Disaster

When it rained a few weeks ago I had my raft in the river. Justin’s one was in there too. When we got all that rain the other day the river came up. I had my raft tied to a secure log in the water. Justin had his tied to a log closer to the bank. When the flood came up it took Justin’s raft with it. My raft was tied to a log that was now under the water so when the flood raised the water level my raft got taken under. All the drums got filled up with water and when the river was high you couldn’t see my raft! After the flood had gone down I went to check it. The only thing that went missing was my oars and a small hammer that I had on the back other than that my raft was O.K. I haven’t checked it lately though so who knows it could be gone! If it is I am going to build a pedal boat for the pond.