Rhys's Place

Monday, October 13, 2008

My Ziptales Story, The moster of the haunted house

It was a dark and stormy night and I, Detective Dan was chosen to investigate the murder of Willie the Wonderful Wizard. It was presumed that Ollie the Horrible Ogre that never had any time for Willie was the murderer. It was said to me that if you got on his bad side, you face certain death. I felt that I would become on his “bad side” because I was creeping through his house trying to investigate how he had murdered the Wizard just a couple of days ago. I hoped he wasn’t home. Ollie was very aggressive and bad tempered so I had permission from the police department to shoot him if I had to. I had taken the 243 gun and was ready for anything that was going to come around the corner. The gun was loaded, I was prepared. There was an owl hoot outside, I was getting scared.
I heard footsteps but they weren’t mine and I started to panic. My breathing got faster, I looked around the corner. I saw him; he looked even bigger and more viscous than in the photos. To make matters worse I saw that there was blood dripping from his mouth. Nothing could prepare me for what I saw next. What he had on the floor was a human arm. I was in shock. Next out rolled a head, I recognized it. It was Mrs. Yang , Chinese woman that lived just down the road from me. I decided I had to shoot him from where I was standing. I got the sights on him but when I flicked the safety off he heard and started running straight for me. I pulled the trigger but in my panic I missed. I ran as fast as my human legs could take me. As soon as I got a bit of a lead on him I would stand behind the corner of a building and take another shot. I got him in the leg. He started to limp but he didn’t slow down. I turned around and shot him in the head. He went down. I dropped the gun, I had killed the monster and thanks to me no more lives would be lost. I had special thanks from the president and got a mighty cheque of $500,000. I was a hero.


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